Blessing of the Animals-2012

October 6th, Pie and I (with Kate!) attended the third annual Blessing of the Animals at Park Place Christian Church. This is the third year for Kate attending and the second time for Pie. Many will remember last year, Pie actually went into the sanctuary, surrounded by people and dogs. She did exceptional! This year, we were asked to do the same. Pie clip clopped over the tile floor onto the sanctuary again this year, stepped on her stool and proceeded to entertain everyone with her exhuberent attitude..:)

I spoke abit about the ponies, the island and Misty..Pie got to perform afew of her tricks too.

The fact Pie can walk into a building, that was not made for such a large animal to get thru, always amazes me…she is such a trusting, easy going pony..I also think she enjoys being the center of attention too..


A reminder!

Pie will be, again, representing the Chincoteague Pony breed during the Texoma Horse Expo in Wichita Falls. Make plans to come out and see us! We will have an informational booth and will be doing a riding demo during the Parade of Breeds starting at noon on October 20th. We will be joined by the Gypsy Horse, Frieisans, Arabians, Peruvian Paso, Tennessee Walking Horse, Mo. Foxtrotter (and Foxtrotter pony!).

Please come by and see us!

A Pony in the Church

Let me back up abit though!

Saturday, October 8th, Pie, Kate and myself were invited to attend the second annual Blessing of the Animals at Park Place Christian Church in Wichita Falls.

Kate and I attended the first one last year and REALLY enjoyed it. Outside of the actual blessing, there was an animal services “fair”.

The forecast grew into rain..a VERY good chance of it actually. While positively stupendous due to our epic drought, I worried how Pie would be able to come. Kate can be set up inside, but Pie?

The day dawned cloudy, humid..but dry. I loaded up Pie, Kate, all their “stuff” (paintings, stool, cookies..) and headed to the church.

When I got there, I was asked if I thought Pie would go INTO the sanctuary..well, guess you don’t know if you try?

We did a small test run. What Pie had to do was walk thru a double “human” door, into a short foyer, and then a turn into the sanctuary. There was a tarp on the floo(in case of “accidents”!) I had my clicker and treats ready and Pie never missed a beat. she seemed actually quite curious to actually be INSIDE the church.

So, I took her back out to the trailer and waited til we were called for.

It then came time for us to go into the church. Pie never missed a beat. Kids, adults, wheelchairs, dogs all around her and she handled it like a pro. Stepped up on her stool and did all that I asked of her. Her “shake hooves” is getting so good I’d like to add..she is really thinking about “Giving” me her hoof, versus just picking it up.:)

We also gave a short talk on the ponies, the island and Pie herself. Newscrew even took a short video of her to put in their segment for the event later that night…they got her saying “yes”

KFDX Segment

Afterwards, we took some questions and then I walked Pie out…again, good girl among all the hoopla around her. she stayed pretty focused on me. and NO accidents!!!!!!!!!!!

This experience reminded me of when Marguerite Henry would take Misty to schools into the classroom. It was great, as it always is, to share Pie with others.

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